Transactions with Beauty

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And She's Home

This past weekend we headed to Oakville, Ontario to help our daughter pack up her dorm and to have a mini-vacation. The whole time I was thinking, oh yes, I'll say this or that in a blog post. And then of course as I'm sitting here, my mind is all blank and mud-like, which I'm blaming on the time change thing. 

As it turned out, we did very little packing, as she'd prearranged for her boxes to be picked up by a brilliant company called "Store Your Dorm." We did run out and buy an extra suitcase for art supplies and whatnot, and did some redistribution among all of the suitcases, but that was all. Neither Rob nor I went away to college/University, so this whole experience has been a huge learning curve for us. 

And now we have her back for the summer, which is pure joy, but also, it's going to be an adjustment, again. For those of you who've done this it will come as no surprise that you actually get used to them being gone! We're going to enjoy every moment because what I do know is that the next four months are going to go by in a flash. It seems ages ago, that we returned home without her in September and I would have those moments where I'd feel like I had the wind knocked out of me when I remembered how far away she was. And who knows what the future holds, perhaps this will be her last summer home. (Though I really can't imagine that right now). 

We had fun on our outing to Bronte Harbour. A nice walk by the water, which is quite the delight for us landlocked Albertans. 

It just felt so good to have this sweet soul in our company again. 

We had an early dinner at Plank – you can see a few of my food photos on my Instagram if you like. Chloe, who has done all her own cooking in her modestly equipped dorm, was thrilled to eat out. 

On our last day, Sunday, we took the Go Train into Toronto and headed to the Art Gallery of Ontario. We took in the art, and had a lovely lunch. I splurged on a glass of pro secco, because: vacation. 

We loved looking at the permanent collection, something our Edmonton gallery is lacking. Chloe drew, of course, and I took some iPhone photos. 

I'm not crazy for Anthony Caro's work, feels too 1970s to me, but it makes for a good photo-op. 

Rob was happy to re-visit this Jack Chambers, above. And below, Chloe was interested in Trans Am: Apocalypse No. 3

It was a lot of fun having my two artists together again and seeing all the many ways which they're ridiculously alike. 

 Meanwhile, we'd seen the photos friends and family had been posting in Edmonton of the weekend snowfall. And here we were in plus 16 temps and green everywhere.....Still, it's always good to be back home, and we have our very own spring to look forward to. At some point. In the future.

One last one of Chloe on the Go Train, drawing, naturally. Back home she's already organized her room and been advertising her summer commissions. If you'd like a Chloe cartoon for only a little more than you'd pay for a Grande Unicorn Frappucino, you can find out more about it on her blog