Transactions with Beauty

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Staying with the Soul

There’s something telling me to just stay with the soul work, and that the answer is there somehow. Or maybe, and possibly better, there are questions to ask.

The soul, even the word, has always been something I’ve been interested in. And when you have an interest, it’s amazing how many times it will surface. I’ve heard that this is true for readers of my book Everything Affects Everyone — the prevalence of angels after reading — references in songs, books, conversations. When I see the word soul, I always pause. And so today I’m sharing a short poem from the beloved poet, Adam Zagajewski, from his book Asymmetry.

Wake Up

by Adam Zagajewski

Wake up, my soul.
I don’t know where you are,
where you’re hiding,
but wake up, please,
we’re still together,
the road is still before us,
a bright strip of dawn
will be our star.

Thanks for reading today and thanks to those of you who also join me as subscribers over at my Patreon, Beauty School. I don’t want to be an infomercial about it but it’s there if you’re interested :)