Transactions with Beauty

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Making up Solitude

Did you know that Patricial Hampl has a new book out? 

It’s called The Art of the Wasted Day, and as soon as I saw the title, I ordered it. I’m that much of a pushover. I admit I was also sold by this quotation:

“That is the radiant paradox of aloneness / connection that a writer (forget “a writer”—a person) must find within, whether beset with children, with the care of elderly withering parents, stuck with a hopeless spouse, with a soul-sapping job, or just burdened with a killer to-do list. We must learn to be alone in the midst of whatever denies us useful solitude. We must make up solitude where it does not exist… 

In a voice not personal, but decisive, quiet, calm: You must always keep a part of your mind entirely to yourself.” 


And also this:

“The job of being human is not figuring things out, but getting lost in thought. Isn’t that what holding a vestige to the light is? Holding a vignette in mind? Shards, bits. Considering them, lost in thought… Isn’t thought supposed to find something, find an answer? But lost in thought is where we often were, where we wanted to be, you and I across the yellow kitchen table, another cup of coffee.” 


I used to be so good at making up my own solitude, at getting lost in thought. I’m not so sure any more. So this is a timely book for me. 


Today’s post is a short one because I’ve been working on a presentation I’ll be giving at the Annual Writer’s Guild of Alberta Conference. Trying to do one thing outside my comfort zone a And this is definitely it. 

I’ll end by asking a small favour. If you’ve read my latest book, I would love it if you could take a moment and rate it on Goodreads or Amazon, or both if you have time. I see that some people have already done so, and I’m so grateful! Thank you!

Ps. It was a sweet thing this week, to see the book on Audreys Books bestseller list, but that also two of my other books also made it there.