
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

ā€“ Shawna



A New Season

A New Season

pink typewriter

Today's post is a short diary entry. I spent the weekend flying out to Ontario with our daughter and getting her moved into her dorm. This is her second year at Sheridan College, but her first year as an Animation student. (Last year she took the 1 year Art Fundamentals program). As you can imagine, we're ridiculously proud of her and feel like she's in the perfect place. I also think that the transition to empty nest for us will be easier this year. Sure I feel like my heart is 2000 miles away (that's the distance between Edmonton and Oakville), but knowing she's doing what she loves makes everything easy. 

stone bird

The great thing about a trip like the one I was on, is that it was very task oriented. So in the downtime I wasn't trying to do anything fancy, I just read and even watched a movie in the hotel room ā€“ Wonder Woman, at last! I read nearly four books (finished the fourth last night before going to bed hilariously early....I can't take much). I'll talk about a couple of the books for sure in the next week or so. 

pink typewriter

I also spent some time planning my fall 'reinvention.' On my current list of ideas is to offer an online course via this blog. Maybe in November for 30 days? Thoughts? 

stone bird on pink typewriter

Most importantly, it's time to get serious with my writing. I've worked away at it all summer but would love to just really lose myself in it. 

Meanwhile, it's nice to be home, even after only being away for three days. I'm a home body through and through. 

Wishing you much beauty in the coming days as the season changes, easing us all into Autumn. 

Living, Practicing, at the Kitchen Sink

Living, Practicing, at the Kitchen Sink

Hope, Faith, Feathers

Hope, Faith, Feathers