Transactions with Beauty

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Earl Grey Hot Chocolate

I'm starting to get the hang of using this new site (powered by Squarespace) and I hope you are too. Because I've used SS before (for my author site) the learning curve hasn't been too steep, but because of the format alone, my mode of blogging is a bit different. For those of you who were loyal readers of Calm Things (my longtime blog), thanks so much for being here! This format encourages me to be (a bit) less messy, to write more thematic and concentrated posts. I think I needed the change, mentally, and I really appreciate those of you who have followed me over and who have been supporting me and the site in all sorts of ways. 

So yes, this past month of blogging has been a bit of an experiment for me and I'm loving it. I'm looking forward to 'growing my audience' and sharing all the ordinary beauty I can find.

There's also the beauty of chocolate. On the subject of experiments: last week I treated myself to a modified version of this recipe found on the the lovely Kitchen McCabe site. 

I basically went with the ingredients at hand. We're lucky enough to be able to buy Bernard Callebaut chocolate in the grocery store and I'd recently picked up a couple of bars - semisweet and milk chocolate. I used Earl Grey Vanilla tea. Maple syrup to sweeten. And just plain old whipped cream from a can (because we can't be all things to all people). 

I'm warning you now that this concoction, however you make it, is like a beautiful drug. You get the chocolate, Earl Grey tea, maple syrup high and it's gorgeous. Right away you want another. You're welcome, and sorry :)