
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

– Shawna



Author Life

Author Life

I frequently tell people that the life of a minor writer in a cold city in Canada is not at all glamorous, and hardly anyone has ever called this into question. 

And it may not be glamorous, but it’s still terribly lovely to receive copies of the book you wrote over years. All the steps involved to get the book from your computer and into the universe! The editing, the cover design, the editing. 

I’m launching the book at Audreys in Edmonton on May 17th and I’ll be presenting at the Writers Guild Conference in Calgary in June and will be sure to have copies about me then. 

Lemay book

I don’t have a lot scheduled as far as readings go, because I’m not famous or popular enough to draw a crowd of more than 12 in a city I don’t know very well. And who can justify plane fare and hotel accommodation to make 12 dollars in royalties, give or take? 

But I do plan on doing stuff. And I guess I’m counting on friends to help me promote the thing. I’ve been lucky that way and incredibly grateful. 

I saved a tweet from Poets & Writers from a while back, on the topic of publicity. The author says:

 “Think about publicity as something that connects you. Try to be as tender about publicity as you have been about making the work—put the work into the world as lovingly as you made it.”

– Lauren Cerand

So here I am, tenderly putting my book out into the world....

Lemay book
The Secret to Being Courageous and Patient and Happy

The Secret to Being Courageous and Patient and Happy

Tea House Practice, Writing Practice

Tea House Practice, Writing Practice