
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

– Shawna



Still Life in Rome

Still Life in Rome

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, then you know that I’m here in Rome with the artist. We’ve rented an apartment not too far from Campo de’Fiori.


It’s only been two days but we’ve seen angels at the Ponte Sant’Angelo and seen an amazing exhibition of still lifes at the Palazzo Corsini. We’ve visited the Caravaggios at San Luigi dei Francesi which are in the Contarelli Chapel. We’ve also walked through Piazza Navona and into the Pantheon. Over the next few weeks we’ll have walked by these places dozens of times on the way to other places.


I always think I’ll do so much writing when I’m away, but I end up taking more photos, which is certainly part of my process. I wasn’t sure if I’d feel like blogging while in Rome, but so far so good. As a welcoming gift to the apartment we’re renting, there was a bottle of wine and a box of chocolate biscuits when we arrived. So I’m having some of those biscuits now and sipping a little Prosecco and figuring out how to blog in the Squarespace app.


It wasn’t planned, but I’m over the moon that the building across the street from us has the colour of walls that I love so much and which make a pretty nice backdrop to whatever I set on the sill.


I’ll leave you there for now. Not sure what posting will look like in the next few weeks. Thanks for checking in here and for following along, dear readers.

The Rain in Rome

The Rain in Rome

Kitchen Still Life and Looking at the Overlooked

Kitchen Still Life and Looking at the Overlooked